RYP youth from Furman Templeton Elementary designed and painted eight mural panels that celebrated the core values of their school.  Students worked with their American-born peers to study conflict resolution, increase cultural sharing, and create art together.  The project was made possible by a Teaching Tolerance grant as well as our partnership with the Walters.   Each week, students studied one of the eight values (Compassion, Integrity, Responsibility, Hope, Courage, Justice, Respect, and Wisdom), and created sketches that were integrated into the final design for each panel.  Using photoshop, I combined students' ideas into a design for each value, and the students painted in the final murals after I drew them onto the canvas.   The murals are on permanent display at Furman Templeton Elementary in Baltimore, MD.  


Student designs for the Compassion mural

 Compassion.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas.  Spring, 2009.

 Wisdom.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas. Spring, 2009.

 Courage.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas. Spring, 2009.

Responsibility.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas. Spring, 2009.

 Justice.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas. Spring, 2009.

 Hope.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas. Spring, 2009.

Respect.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas. Spring, 2009.

Integrity.  24" x 38" Acrylic on Canvas. Spring, 2009.

All eight murals are permanently installed at Furman L. Templeton Elementary School in Baltimore, MD. 

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